Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Day 12 Pont du Gard. Nimes and Church, April 12, 2009

Today zqs Easter Sunday and Larry gave me nice present by getting me to church in Avignon an hour early by mistake§ so we got to go to Sunday school as zell as sacrament meeting; Larry zas hoping for missionaries tobe there to translate for us; and he lucked out; Two nice young gys, one from Huntsville; Ut and the other from Newport Beach sat right behind us in both meetings and translated in our ears; Very cool§
The zard was friendly and a fes people spoke English; so ze did fiine: the branch has their own little tzo story building; just chapel and foyer plus restrooms on the ground floor PLUS a cool rouladen like a garage door in the foyer (right in the center of the picture) that rolls up to reveal the baptismal font: I though that was a very efficient use of space/ classrooms and offices upstairs:
After church ze zent looking for Pont du Gard, highest Roman aqueduct left standing spans a gorge and took 4 million gallons of zater a day don to the town of Nimes, 50 miles away: dropped one inch every 300 feetin I think. It wwas repaired by Napoleons' troops and you can see their graffitti if you look closely. Heres pix, just click
I zish my pix zould turn out like those but they zont because it zas grey skies and driwwly AGAIN§
Leaving Pont du Gard there zas a little fextival and ze stopped to hear this choir perform which I loved to death. They had a really mature tone and sang gypsy music and eastern European music. I talked to them after. It cost us 5€ to park but at least ze didn't get sucked into buying a ticket to the museum and film too. Best 5€ we have spent this zhole trip§
On the zay home ze decided to detour to Nimes, which also was a Roman tozn at the time of Christ. there is another arena there. That's a colloseeum just like the one in Arles, half the size of the one in Rome; I did not knoz that they built 400 arenas all over the Roman empire because the people loved the spectacles. Did you kno that?
I will be so glad to get back to a decent computer that I donùt have to pound the keys.
Anyzay; this Colosseum just gives you an audioguide and lets you go for it; It zqs positively Unsafe; unsafe; unsafe; but really fun§ I saw a kid running along the very top ledge; no one came to tell him to get down before he kills himself or arrest him or anything§ There zere not many guardrails. You could easily fall everyplace; but they donùt care; because in France if you fall it is your ozn fault§ You could go anyzhere you zanted; but every step up is about 30 inches high and my legs are just DYING from climbing up and down and Dad's knee is not much better; Ze decided ze zere not in very good shape and did not bounce from one level to the next like Aaron zould§ You see Larry coming up the stairs, but I couldn't because it was totally dark and it only lit up with the camera flash!
Ze also found a Greek temple called Maison Carre which is like the Parthenon sitting right in the middle of tozn heres the pix Now they use it to show tourists videos about the Romans in Provence.
Guess zhat§ Ze found there zill be a bull games tomorroz at 10;30 A m right here in our little village of Fontvielle§ I cant believe it I looked everyzhere on the net before ze came and i asked at the desk and I asked all over Arles and then here it is on a block from our hotel§ I zent into a restaurant qnd there zere only old men stqndiing round drinking; This red eyed guy looked at me like I was an idiot, but he came out and pointed next door to the place zhere it zill be tomorroz§

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