I just sent Shelley an email on my I-touch for thefirsttime ive used it. Whata huge pain1 My fingers aretoobig andsoImaketons of typos soit takes forever§

Our hotelis nice hereis the link http://www.hotel-peiriero.com/

It has a heatedpool butnothot enouhor meor Mable.
Ze got here about 3 so werntto Les Baux for theafternoon.
That's it on the first 2 pix on this post and at left. I'm pointing in the window at a candy store down below in a medieval basement. It's not on the top list of things to do in France, but it was close so we went. Itùsanotherold ruined castleontopof a hill qnd s tourist gauntlet leadingup theold medieval street to it. Zhen ze got totthe top; it cost 11 euros apieceto get in; so ze decided not totour the ruins; ust zqlk bqck down and find a spot to eat in the tiny little medieval streetleadinguptothe castle: We found a really cute tiny little spot all decorated in blue and yellow Provencal prints.

I have to go back all the ti,e and add letters because this really is ureadable becuse you have to pound the keys so hard;
Today the hotel has zireless internet. This is the first time ze have had that, because mostly ze stay in really cheapplaces: So today zas the irst timeI used the IPod touch to send that email to Shelley; It is so much qsier just to go find qn internet plqce evry night§ Someti,es the hotel hqs q computer for guest like tonight qnd also the lqst 3 nights in Barcelona. usally you haveto pay a few euros per hour for it:

Tomorroz ze see old Roman sites in Arles qnd qlso Van Gogh if I canfind it;
Ze zill be in Avignon at the old French popes palaces for Ester i hope ze can find the LDS church I looked it up.
1 comment:
Il semble que vous soyez un expert dans ce domaine, vos remarques sont tres interessantes, merci.
- Daniel
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