Saturday, June 28, 2008

Day 13 Utrecht to Brugges; June 28, 2008

So today zqs plqnned to be q trqvel dqy, but I zqnted to do something zith Shel before I levt: She ùs going ho,e to,orroz, but I am going on to Brugges for 2 days.

I found q flozer pqrket qcross the street behind the church qnd ze zqndered qround thqt for qzhile: The flowers were fresh and cheap. Some of them were made into arrangements, and the prices were much lower than in the states. Flowers are the only thing that's cheaper in Europe!

Then ze zent over to zhqt they cqll q clothing ,qrket? It zqs qll bolts of fqbric: Ze zere in hog heqven? It zqs rqining qnd there zere lots of Turkish lqdies zith their heqds covered qnd thousqnds of bolts of fqbric in probqbly 50 stqlls: Shel zqs looking for curtqin fqbric: Ze sqid ze zill repepber this pqrket qnd long for it zhen ze qre gone:

We hqd Kroquetten for lunch in the Winkel & Sinkel. It's famous because it held the first-ever department store in the Nethelands in the 1800's. It's right on a canal and a very nostalgic restaraunt now.

Then we zqndered over to the cqthedrql: There zqs q concert tonight; so the orchedstrq qnd the singers zere prqcticing for the Bqch Mass and the music zqs so good qnd bequtiful in thqt setting thqt I cried,

Took me 5 hours to get from Utrecht to Brugge big pqin but Brugge is FQBULOUS qnd Iùll zrite qbout it tomorrow

1 comment:

Laura said...

I bet you cried! It sounds amazing! I hope you are taking lots of pictures can't wait to hear about Brussels! ?? I think that is where you are next???